International Data Center Day 2024

Introducing the Adopt a School program


“Everyday is International Data Center Day.”

That’s according to Bob Cassiliano, chairman and CEO of 7x24 Exchange Intl.

Technically, International Data Center Day (IDCD) is coming up on March 20, but the point of the day is for it to be an ongoing effort throughout the year to raise awareness of the industry — to make everyday IDCD.

I get together with Cassiliano every year to discuss what different 7x24 chapters, companies, and individuals did the previous year to celebrate as well as to talk about what’s new this year.

Cassiliano and the rest of the 7x24 Exchange Intl. team do an excellent job of keeping the momentum of this movement going by adding new initiatives each year. This year, they introduced the “Adopt a School” program, which encourages industry professionals to “connect with schools in your local area to help raise awareness of data center careers and support the next generation of the mission critical industry.”

Whether it’s an elementary, middle, or high school that you are seeking partnership with, there are a myriad of resources available on the IDCD website to help get students interested and involved in the industry.

I love everything about International Data Center Day, but one of my favorite initiatives is “the power of one.” Cassiliano introduced me to it two years ago when we recorded Episode 31 of The Thought Cloud podcast.

“The power of one is designed, basically, so that people know that they don't have to have groups of individuals involved,” Cassiliano said. “That's not necessary — it can be one on one.”

So, I got to thinking … how cool would it be if we all shared stories about how we ended up where we are? The idea is twofold. First, our stories might inspire other people to join the industry. Sometimes the connection between technology and real life isn’t so clear at first sight, but hearing other people’s experiences can be an eye-opener. Ali Fenn, president of ITRenew and one of Mission Critical’s 2021 Top 25 Women in Technology winners, comes to mind for me here. She never dreamed of working in IT as a little girl; she loved the outdoors — the ocean, in particular. So, she combined her passion with her education to promote sustainability through a circular economy in the IT industry. So, you see what I mean here? If someone says they love the ocean, the most natural assumption is that they will become a marine biologist, not the president of an IT company. But, the connection is there. We just have to share our stories.

So, whether you’re doing it at an assembly for an entire school that you adopted or just talking to a random person, young or old, promote the industry today and every day — it is always International Data Center Day, after all.

Fashion, Iris, Style, Dress, Standing, Joint, Shoulder, Sleeve, Hairstyle, Clothing

Amy Al-Katib

Amy Al-Katib, CDCDP, is editor-in-chief of Mission Critical magazine. She is a member of 7x24 Exchange Intl., ASIS Intl., BICSI, iMasons, the International Society of Philosophical Enquiry, and Mensa. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Michigan State University and a certificate in STEM/computer science from New York University. She is currently enrolled in the Master's of Science Cybersecurity program at NYU. Reach her at